Valmeyer Anticline



Western Monroe County (I-3)


J. Weller 1939, S. Weller and J. Weller 1939, Willman et al. 1949, Odom et al. 1961, Bristol and Buschbach 1973


The Valmeyer Anticline lies southwest of the Waterloo-Dupo Anticline, strikes northwest, and is strongly asymmetrical. The Kimmswick Limestone (Middle Ordovician) comes to the surface at the crest of the anticline and Mississippian rocks crop out on both flanks. The southwest limb dips 15° to 25° and the northeast flank dips gently. No oil production has been obtained as the Kimmswick (Trenton), which is the principal producing horizon in the Waterloo and Dupo Fields, is breached by erosion on the Valmeyer Anticline.

McCracken (1971) indicated a possible extension of the Valmeyer Anticline into Missouri. The dominant structural trend in that part of Missouri is northwest.