Goldengate Anticline (New)

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T2S, R9E, Wayne County(I-7)


Meents and Swann 1965, Bristol and Howard 1976, Treworgy 1981


Treworgy (1981) listed Goldengate as a significant unnamed structure and cited the references given above. Meents and Swann (1965) discussed production from the Goldengate Consolidated Oil Field, but they did not mention its structure. Bristol and Howard (1976) neither mentioned Goldengate nor showed any notable structure at or near Goldengate on their map. Treworgy's map indicated an anticline with a curving, northeast-trending axis, but did not further document the Goldengate structure.

An unpublished structure map of the top of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (R. Howard, ISGS, unpublished mapping) shows an anticline about 8 miles (13 km) long and 3 miles (5 km) wide in the Goldengate Consolidated field. The axis trends northeast to southwest and has maximum closure of at least 40 feet (12 m). There are two separate areas of closure. The Goldengate Anticline, as named in this report, includes both enclosed areas and the connecting axis. Cumulative production from the Goldengate Consolidated field is more than 21 million barrels of oil. Principal producing units are the Aux Vases Sandstone and the Ste. Genevieve Limestone.
