Mazon Creek - Glossary
From Mazon Creek
- acroscopic
- the margin of the pinnule that faces the apex of the pinna on which it is borne
- acuminate
- sharply pointed with concave sides
- acute
- tapering to a pointed apex with more or less straight sides
- alternate
- borne singly at each node, as leaves on a stem
- apex
- tip of the leaf, farthest from the stem
- apical
- of, at, or forming the apex
- arcuate
- curved like an arch or bow
- areolae
- a space enclosed by veins
- auricle
- an ear-shaped appendage or lobe
- axis
- the central supporting structure or a line around which various organs are borne
- basal
- relating to, or situated at, the base, near the stem
- basiscopic
- the margin of the pinnule that faces the base of the pinna on which it is borne
- bipinnate
- twice pinnate; with divisions again divided..
- bract
- leaf-like, often leathery part of a cone or strobilus
- cf.
- similar to, conforms with
- concretion
- rounded to oblong hard mass found in sedimentary rocks, usually formed around a core
- cone
- spiral structure composed of modified leaves or bracts that bear sporangia or seeds
- confluent – flowing together or blending of one part into another
- conical
- cone-shaped, attached at the broad end
- connate
- fusion of like parts
- constricted base
- base drawn together or compressed
- contiguous
- adjoining; touching
- cordate
- heart-shaped with the pointed end away from the stem
- coriaceous
- with a leathery texture
- crenate
- margin with rounded lobes
- crenulate
- margin with small, rounded teeth
- cuneate
- narrowly triangular, with an acute angle toward the base
- cuneiform
- wedge-shaped
- decorticated
- to divest of the bark
- decurrent
- extending downward from the point of insertion
- dentate
- margin with sharp teeth pointing outward, not forward
- dentation
- condition of having an edge notched with teeth
- dichotomous
- forked into two nearly equal branches
- distal
- away from the point of attachment
- dorsal
- the surface of a leaf facing away from the main axis or stem, the lower surface
- elliptical
- oblong with rounded ends
- ensiform
- sword-shaped
- entire
- not toothed or divided
- epiphyte
- a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic
- falcate
- sickle-shaped
- flabellate
- fan-shaped
- flexuous
- with curves or bends
- free
- distant not attached to other organs
- frond
- large divided leaf of a fern or seed fern
- furrow
- groove or wrinkle
- genus
- a group of similar and related species (pl. genera)
- genera
- Groups of similar and related species (singlar genus)
- globular
- somewhat or nearly spherical
- gymnospermous
- having ovules and seeds without a protective case
- hastate
- arrowhead-shaped with outward-turned basal lobes
- herbaceous
- having a non-woody stem
- holotype
- a single scientifically designated specimen used to describe a species
- internode
- space on a stem between nodes
- lamina
- the expanded portion of a leaf
- lanceolate
- lance-shaped; much longer than wide, with the widest point below the middle
- lateral veins
- branches extending off of the midvein toward the margin
- lax
- loose; open; not compact
- leaf scar
- pattern left on a leaf cushion after the leaf falls off
- leaflet
- segment of a compound leaf
- leaves
- photosynthetic organs of green plants growing from a stem
- linear
- long and narrow with a uniform width and more or less parallel sides
- lineate
- marked with lines
- lobe
- a rounded division on the margin of a leaf
- lobed
- having lobes that are cut less than halfway to the base or midvein
- micropyle
- the narrow channel or opening of the ovule through which it is fertilized
- midvein
- primary vein of a leaf, leaflet, pinna, or pinnule that divides the structure into two parts
- mixoneuran-like
- having many smaller veins along with a weak midvein entering a pinnule that has a constricted base
- morphology
- study of form and structure
- nodes
- joints of a stem from which leaves or bundles arise
- nodule
- rounded or oval mass of fine-grained rock
- nucellus
- shell surrounding the megaspore in an ovule (seed)
- oblique
- not at a right angle; slanted
- oblanceolate
- reverse of lanceolate, with the attachment at the narrow end
- oblong
- two to four times longer than broad, with nearly parallel sides
- obtuse
- blunt or rounded at the end, with sides angled at greater more than 90 degrees
- orbicular
- generally circular in outline
- ovate
- having an outline like that of an egg, with broader end at the base or stem
- ovule
- unfertilized seed
- palmate
- divided from a common point, like the fingers of a hand
- penultimate pinna
- next to last
- petiole
- the leaf stalk
- pinna (pl. pinnae)
- the primary divisions of a pinnate leaf (composed of pinnules)
- pinnate
- leaflets arranged along the sides of a rachis..
- pinnatifid
- deeply lobed, more than halfway but not completely to mid-rib.
- pinnule(s)
- a secondary division; the leaflet part of a pinna
- pith
- tissue in central part of the stem
- platyspermic
- a flat seed; wider than thick
- pollen
- the mature microspores of seed plants
- polymorphic
- variable, having many forms
- primary rachis
- main branch originating from the stem
- proximal
- near the place of attachment
- punctate
- dotted with pits
- quadripinnate
- a pinnate frond divided four times.
- rachis
- the axis of a compound leaf
- radiospermic
- a seed, that is symmetrical in a transverse section
- reticulate
- net-veined
- rootlet
- ultimate branch of a root
- sarcotesta
- outer seed coat
- sclerotesta
- hard inner seed coat
- seed
- reproductive structure of the flowering plants, conifers and a few other plants including the seed ferns
- sessile
- directly attached without a stalk or petiole
- siderite
- ferrous iron carbonate
- simple
- undivided
- sinus
- a cleft between two organs
- sorus
- discrete clusters of sporangia found on some ferns( pl. sori)
- spatulate
- spatula-or spoon-shaped, rounded and tapered to the base
- species
- a group of morphologically similar individuals able to interbreed
- sporangiophore
- a stalk bearing sporangia
- sporangium
- a case containing spores (pl. sporangia)
- spore
- reproductive body of pteridophytes and lower plants, analogous to a seed
- sporophyll
- individual cone scale or bract
- stalk
- supporting structure; stem
- stem
- ascending axis of a plant, above or below ground, bearing leaves and reproductive units
- striate
- having fine longitudinal lines or grooves
- strobilus (pl. strobili)
- a fruiting body marked by imbricating scales or bracts
- sub-
- (prefix)slightly, almost or somewhat
- synangia
- compound sporangium in which the sporangia are attached to one another
- synangium
- group of united sporangia
- syntype
- a specimen of a type series (of equal rank) when no holotype or lectotype has been named
- taxon (pl. taxa)
- entity of any taxonomic rank: order, family, genus or species
- taxonomy
- study of the principles and practices of classification
- testa
- the seed coat
- trifoliate
- with three leaves
- tripinnate
- a pinnate frond divided into three parts..
- truncate
- having an even or square end
- type
- specimens cited by the author of a name of a species
- ultimate pinna
- last in order..
- undulate
- wavy
- vein
- one of the radiating supports and vessels forming the framework of a leaf. Types of veins include midveins, lateral veins, and veinlets.
- veinlets
- branches of the vein after forking
- venation
- arrangement of veins in a pattern
- ventral
- surface of a leaf turned toward the main axis or stem; the upper surface
- villous
- bearing soft, unwoven hairs
- whorl
- circle of similar organs radiating from a common point
- Alethopteris
- Al-ah-thop’-ter-iss
- Annularia
- An-u-lare’-e-ah
- Aphlebia
- A-flee’-be-ah
- Artisia
- Ar-tiss’-e-ah
- Asolanus
- Ay’-sole-ane’-us
- Aspidiopsis
- Ass-pid-ee-op’-sis
- Asterophyllites
- Aster-o-fill-i’-tees
- Asterotheca
- Aster-o-thee’-ca
- Calamites
- Cal-ah-mite’-ease
- Calamostachys
- Cal-ah-mo-stack’-iss
- Callipteridium
- Call-lip’-ter-id’-e-um
- Cardiocarpus
- Car’de-o-car’-puss
- Carpolithus
- Car’-po-lith’-uss
- Caulopteris
- Call-op’-ter-iss
- Codonotheca
- Co-don’-o-thee-cuh
- Cordaianthus
- Cor-dee-an’-thuss
- Cordaicarpus
- Cor-dee-ah-car’-puss
- Cordaites
- Cor-die’-tees
- Crossotheca
- Cross’-o-thee’-cuh
- Cyclopteris
- Cy-clop’-ter-iss
- Cyperites
- Cy-pur-rite’-tees
- Desmopteris
- Dez-mop’-ter-iss
- Eremopteris
- Air-rem-op’-ter-iss
- Knorria
- Nor’-re-ah
- Lagenospermum
- Lag’-en-o-sper-mum
- Lepidodendron
- Lep’-id-o-den’-drun
- Lepidophloios
- Lep’-id-o-flow’-e-us
- Lepidophyllum
- Lep’-id-o-fill’-um
- Lepidostrobus
- Lep’-id-o-stro’-buss
- Linopteris
- Lie-nop’-ter-iss
- Lycopodites
- Lie’-co-po-die’-tees
- Macrostachya
- Mac-ro-stack’-e-ah
- Mariopteris
- Mary-op’-ter-iss
- Megaphyton
- Meg’-ah-fi’-ton
- Mixoneura
- Mix’-on-ur’-a
- Neuropteris
- Nu-rop’-ter-iss
- Odontopteris
- O-don-top’-ter-is
- Pachytesta
- Pack’-ah-test-ah
- Paleostachya
- Pale-e-o-stack’-e-ah
- Pecopteris
- Pe-cop’-ter-iss
- Pinnularia
- Pin-u-lare’-e-ah
- Ptychocarpus
- Tie’-co-car’-puss
- Renaultia
- Ren-all’-tee-ah
- Reticulopteris
- Re-tick-u-lop’-ter-iss
- Rhabdocarpus
- Rab-doe-car’-puss
- Samaropsis
- Sam’-are-op’-sis
- Sigillaria
- Sij’-jill-air’-e-ah
- Sigillariostrobus
- Sij’-jill-air’-e-o-stro’-buss
- Sphenophyllostachys
- Sphee’-no-fill’-o-stack’-us
- Sphenophyllum
- Sphee’-no-fill’-um
- Sphenopteris
- Sphee-nop’-ter-iss
- Spiropteris
- Spy-rop’-ter-iss
- Stigmaria
- Stig-mare’-e-ah
- Syringodendron
- Syr-ring’-o-den’-dron
- Trigonocarpus
- Trig’-o-no-car’-puss
- Ulodendron
- U’-lo-den-dron
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